Laos Travel Blog: Places to see in Luang Prabang

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Luang Prabang is one of the popular Laos destinations known for its many Buddhist temples. It is a city which lies in the north central of the country and it is one of the reasons why more and more people fly to Laos for a holiday vacation. If you want to know what makes people want to travel to this travel destination, continue reading our Laos travel blog!

Places to visit in Luang Prabang

Wat Xieng Tong

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With Luang Prabang’s long list of Buddhist temples, it is quite impossible to be able to visit everything so make sure to shortlist a few ones you’d like to include. While you’re at it, don’t forget Wat Xieng Tong on your itinerary. Among Luang Prabang’s outstanding temples is Wat Xieng Tong – originally built in 1560 and one of the popular Luang Prabang attractions as it holds a historical significance in the country. Important annual activities take place here and more importantly, it is famous as a place where the coronation of Lao kings.

Royal Palace Museum

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If you want to have a deeper understanding of the Lao history, the best place to go to is the Royal Palace Museum. The exhibits displayed here date back from centuries ago, tracing back to the Lan Xang kingdom. Before it was converted to a museum, the palace was taken over by the communist who came to power in 1975. Later in 1995, it was then renovated and turned into a museum we know today. The whole place houses a new exhibit hall, a chapel and the statue of King Sisavangvong.

Mount Phousi

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This 3rd featured attraction in today’s Laos travel blog is a hill that sits 150 meters above the town proper. Mount Phousi holds a distinctive outline in Luang Prabang’s skyline with its foresty hill offering the best sunset and sunrise views. The top of the hill gives you a 360-degree view of the city below and the surrounding Buddhist temples in the area. Climbing up features hundreds of steps but it can easily be traversed by people in good health. Plus, you can easily take a break under the shady trees.

Kuang Si Waterfall

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Aside from the Buddhist temples, Luang Prabang also has its fair share of natural beauty to offer visiting tourists. One of which is the Kuang Si Waterfall, the biggest in Luang Prabang and has a 50-meter drop flowing to the azure pools downstream. It’s a spectacular sight to see so make sure to bring a camera with you. You can enjoy bathing in the cold water of the pools below for a refreshing afternoon!

Tad Sae Waterfall

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Tad Sae Waterfall is the other popular destination in Luang Prabang. Although not as high as Kuang Si Waterfall, it is considered as one of the places to visit in Luang Prabang with the streams of water that flow to different levels, making it a glorious sight to see. The Tad Sae Waterfall can only be reached by boat which adds more to the adventure of your Laos holiday vacation!

Hopefully, our Laos travel blog inspired you to choose Luang Prabang as your next destination! If you’re already excited to fly to Laos, catch direct flights to Laos by checking out Bangkok Airways website and start planning your vacation today!

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