Myanmar Travel: Why Should You Go To Mandalay Instead Of Yangon?

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Myanmar, also known as Burma is one of the tourists’ top picks when traveling to Southeast Asia. Needless to say, its astounding attractions ranging from bustling markets, parks, to ancient structures make it enough for an unforgettable Myanmar Travel.


Myanmar Travel

This city would probably be the first thing that would come into your mind when you plan your Myanmar Travel. As the former capital and the largest city in Myanmar, you wouldn’t run out of things to do in Yangon. Even though modern developments have been evident, its high-rise pagodas and cultural structures are still being preserved.

Myanmar Travel

One of the best ones here and probably the most popular one is the Shwedagon Pagoda. This 326-foot golden structure is the most famous landmark in Yangon. This pagoda is so grand as you can see from its outside up to its marble floors and columns inside. This place is such a dreamy one and definitely can’t be missed when you visit Yangon!


Myanmar Travel

Need a quieter surrounding and alone time during your Myanmar Travel? Then, visiting Mandalay is a must! Unlike Yangon, Mandalay has a more laidback vibe – not a boring type. Also, it is closer to ancient cities such as Bagan, a home to numerous Buddhist temples and pagodas you can explore.

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Myanmar Travel

In addition to that, Mandalay attractions are so impressive that would make you feel like royalty. Of course, this is where the Royal Palace sits! Aside from that, the famous Kuthodaw Pagoda is another must visit place here.

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This pagoda can be found at the foot of Mandalay Hill and contains 700+ stupas where each of which has a stone tablet, all in all making it as the world’s largest book.


Myanmar Travel

Aside from being serene, what makes Mandalay a more worth visiting place is you can see how rich the culture of Myanmar is. However, a visit to Yangon is not being disregarded but it is as important as visiting Mandalay. After all, Mandalay deserves to get recognition as well!

Myanmar Travel


So, have we convinced you to go to Mandalay on your Myanmar Travel? If yes, check out flights to Mandalay now only at Bangkok Airways.

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