Make a visit to Yangon on your Asia travel adventure

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Travelling gives people a sense of newness to a place and to themselves. It is a way of discovering what else the world can offer. And if you are to start your Asia Travel adventure, you should visit Yangon, Myanmar.

Known to be “The Garden City of the East” because of its green tropical trees, lakes and shady parks, and Myanmar’s largest city, Yangon is a melting pot of a variety of culture, people and religion. This city balances out modernity, culture and tradition making it a must go-to city if you want to experience a different side of Asia.

Wondering what you can discover in your visit to Yangon? Keep on reading and by the end of this article, we are sure you will not have second thoughts in choosing Yangon, Myanmar for your Asia holiday trip.

  • Botahtaung Pagoda

One of the places to visit while you’re in Yangon is Botahtaung Pagoda which is situated at the bank of the Yangon River. It is considered as one of the major worship sites in Yangon with its unusual charm and characteristics.

Legend has it that a lot of Buddha’s remains deposited from India about 2,500 years ago were guarded by soldiers explaining its name “Botahtaung” which means “one thousand generals”. Colourful shops in front of Yangon invite visitors to check out different products from flowers, fruits and other items. Go to the main entrance to the right and be amazed with the shining hall covered in gold. You will then see a glass mosaic if you turn left and follow through the walkway.


  • Nightlife

Comparing Yangon’s nightlife to that from the Western parts of the world or even in other Asian travel experiences might leave you disappointed. But nonetheless, if you ever find yourself looking for something fun to do on a night in Yangon, most of the bars and pubs are located in five-star hotels.

You can also enjoy a local’s way of entertainment in plazas that offer karaoke, traditional dance performances and fashion shows.

For some cheap beers, you can go to what they call “beer stations”. But just a heads up, tourists don’t frequent these beer stations and visiting might take all attention on you. It is also not socially accepted for women in Burma to drink beer and beer stations are usually where men go talk, drink and eat betel nut.

  • Yangon Shopping

A real Asia travel experience would never be complete without doing some shopping. Precious gem production of sapphires, jades and rubies is what Myanmar is known for which is why there are a lot of gem and jewellery shops in Yangon, making it the best place to do some jewellery shopping.

If you are looking for goodies to bargain, you can find most of them in local markets. Bargaining is expected in these places as well as buying from street vendors so bring your game face on when shopping.

Bogyoke Aung San Market is one of the most famous markets in Yangon. It sells a variety of goods from food, silverware, clothing to fabrics and so on. Unlike Bogyoke Aung San Market, Yuzana Plaza is not like a traditional market. This old shopping mall has wholesale outlets, fashion stores, household appliances and stores that sell products which are locally made. For a place to shop from brands like Adidas, Guess, Shisheido and Wacoal, your go-to mall would be the Blazon Shopping Centre which is the first ever shopping mall in Yangon to have these brands.

  • Karaweik Hall & Kandawgyi Lake

Going to Kandawgyi Lake will attest to why Yangon is known for being the Garden City of the East.

Take a break from the hustle and bustle of the city life and relax in the rich tropical gardens and woods in the Royal Lake of Kandawgyi. Annual boat race is also held every November here in the Kandawgyi Lake. You can find some lakeside restaurants but for a better experience, go to the bird-shaped restaurant called the Karaweik Hall which consists of three floors including private dining rooms, places for traditional performances, an amusement centre for kids and shops selling Myanmar arts and crafts.

Cannot wait to book your trip to Yangon? For flights checking and booking for your trip, visit one of the Bangkok Airlines, Bangkok Airways website to get your Asia travel trip started! You can also find the best travel destinations in their website for your future holiday trips.

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